Family Tellinidae
Shell size to 60 mm; shell elongate, compressed, strong. Shell twists to right on posterior end. Sculpture of regularly spaced concentric cordlets. Two strong ridges present parallel and close to postero-dorsal margin. Ligament elongate, sunken, dark-brown. Color white with brown tent-like or zigzag markings arranged in rays. In sand. This species was traditionally considered to be a synonym of Tellinella listeri (Röding, 1798). This latter though, has a taller shell, less coarse sculpture, and more subdued (less contrast) color pattern.
Read MoreShell size to 27 mm; shell very compressed, almost flat. Sculpture of strong, low concentric ribs that form teeth-like projections on anterior and posterior dorsal margins. Umbones central. Color white. This species is not very common on Sanibel and Captiva. The shell in the main illustration was collected by Ken and Alice Piech at Blind Pass (bay side), Sanibel, on August 2018, at the peak of the 2018 Red Tide episode (photos by James F. Kelly.) The additional illustration shows a pair found by Leonard Geyer on Sanibel and donated to the Shell Museum in March 2014. << Previous Page
Read MoreShell size to 24 mm; shell thin, strong, slightly inflated, roughly elliptical. Surface smooth, except for fine, irregular growth lines more visible near margins. Color opaque white, rarely pink.
Read MoreShell size to 20 mm; shell trigonal, external sculpture of crowded commarginal lines. Posterior slope with two radial ridges in right valve and one in left valve. Pallial sinus deep, dropping abruptly to join pallial line. Color translucent-white. Shells in images are small, about 7-8 mm in length, and were both collected by Susan J. Hewitt at Blind Pass, Captiva, in December 2014 and December 2017.
Read MoreShell size to 28 mm; shell elongate-oval, moderately compressed. Sculpture of concentric growth lines crossed by fine, slanted-radial threads. Posterior region of right valve with stronger concentric threads. Color whitish or yellowish-white with several rays of strong pink color.
Read MoreShell size to 20 mm; shell elongate oval, posterior end truncate (blunt). Sculpture of very fine growth lines, densely packed. Palial sinus deep and reaching close to anterior muscle scar. Color opaque white to slightly translucent, sometimes suffused with orangish-red centrally or near umbones.
Read MoreShell size to 20 mm; shell small, thin, elongate, with narrow posterior end bent to right. Sculpture smooth except for numerous growth lines. Umbones small, sharp. Ligament small. Color white or yellowish. The shell in this picture was collected by Ken and Alice Piech, Roosevelt Channel, Captiva Island.
Read MoreShell size to 75 mm; shell oval, thin, "bent". Right valve slightly concave, with strong ridge on posterior end; this corresponds to a groove on left valve. Color white. Living individuals lay flat on right valve. Rarely found locally, and uncommon along its entire distribution range.
Read MoreShell size to 38 mm; shell compressed, strong, elongate-trigonal. Shell twists to right on posterior end. Surface glossy, slightly opalescent. Sculpture restricted to concentric growth lines. Posterior ridge present but not strong. Ligament sunken, dark-brown. Color white or reddish-pink, often with bands of these colors. In fine sand, most commonly found in the back-bay areas of Southwest Florida. The shell in the supplementary image was collected in December 2012 by Dr. Jim Scatterday, on Bunche Beach, Fort Myers.
Read MoreShell size to 75 mm; shell large, compressed, elongate-trigonal, strongly angled posteriorly. Sculpture of concentric growth lines separated by wider interspaces. Ligament external, brown. Posterior ridge present on right valve. Color glossy white, with yellow or pink tints.
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